1:Morrowind does indeed pwn, just wish it looked/ran better
On topic: I think this is somethign that every naruto game wants to try, just it is a GM/Member's Only thing in most. I think if it is used then EVERYONE regardless of status should be able to make one. i think they should have a cost similar to how Morrowind prices spells, like:
Length(1-15) distance it goes.1 Yen per unit of Length added(starts at 1, so a 1 length move is free if you dont add anythign else)
Width(1-15)how wide the area-of-effect(AOE) is.2 Yen per unit of Width added(starts at 1, so a 1 width move is free if you dont add anything else)
Damage:(1-100)Damage dealt to every opponent within the AOE.3 Yen per unit of Damage added(starts at 1 so a 1 Damage move is free if you dont add anythign else)
# of Hits:(1-5)Number of times the jutsu hits the enemies within the AOE.Costs 1 +(Damage + Length + Width) Yen per unit.The first unit is free(obviously since it has to hit ATLEASt once)
The icon used for them would have to be chosen by whoever makes them or from a list of ones already added. >.> I donno why i typed this all up but hell, i like it ^_^
Regardless of the fact if this is added or not (IMO No) Those prices are rediculusly under priced, Players like Kite would be able to buy attacks that do around 30-60, AOE Maxed, Hits Maxed and Length semi maxed.
-- Edited by ShiningEarthFist at 19:03, 2006-12-01
that is where the problem lies Em. see, if they are made by the palyer, then they need to be coded in to the game so that it knows what states/other crap to use when the attack is fired. I'm guess that isn't easy to do(but hell, i know nothing of coding so i may be wrong) and plus, the icons would need to be multi-tile(more than 1 square on the map) and multi-directional, wich is another problem. Well, nvm that entire post because re-reading it i think i sound stupid*smacks himself with the mallet* oh well, +1 then :D